
Showing posts from March, 2020


        TOP 10 AMAZING FACTS OF BIOLOGY 50000 cells in your body died and were replaced by new ones while you were reading this sentence.😅😅😅😅   I am going to tell about "Top 10 amazing facts of biology" DID YOU KNOW?? 1) Assuming Heart rate is 75 beats/min but women's hearts beat faster than men's. The sequence of events which occurs in the heart during a beat is repeated in each beat in the same order. 2)On average,person's respiration rate is one third higher is Spring than in autum. Respiration means taking up of oxygen,in its utilisation in the tissues and removal of CO2 produced thereof.  In each minute there are 12 to 18 inspirations and 12 to 18 expirations. 3)The human brain has a memory capacity which is the equivalent of more than four terabytes on a hard drive. 1 terabyte =1000000000000 bytes 1 terabyte=1000 gigabytes 1 gigabyte=0.001 terabyte 4) Thirst is the sensation leading to desire for drinking. Thi